Hyperplutonium Bubble Alpha 1.1.0

I haven't posted an update in a while, mainly because I was saving this one for when I upload my devlog video on YouTube, but I have decided I should just keep updating this game regardless. The progress made in the video will only be up to alpha 1.0.0 (the first publicly available version), and I'll just have to make a follow up video later. Anyways, in the meantime, enjoy some cool new features.


Tractor Beam

  • Right click to beam whatever object you point at
  • Enemies also have this and will use this randomly
  • You cannot beam an object and fire at the same time


Replaced the Dash mechanic with a Kill Momentum mechanic (not sure what to name this)

  • Enemies no longer Dash at the player
  • Enemies accelerate forward when not attacking instead of dashing everywhere

Asteroids now do damage to each other on collision

Asteroids and enemies now do damage to each other on collision

The stats of new enemies that spawn get stronger over time

  • Enemy health, speed, and fire rate increase
  • Randomized slightly

Increased bullet speed 1.5x

Added a trail to the bullets

Enemy and player bullets are now identically colored

Bug Fixes:

Player no longer gets stuck at 0 shield if shield isn't already critical before dropping to 0.

Asteroid and enemy movement is now a little less jittery


Hyperplutonium_Bubble_Alpha_1.1.0.zip 59 MB
8 days ago

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